Friday, November 4, 2011

5 Sil and Software Engineering

[await... cartoon image]

I was not at the temple last Full moon Poyaday. Unfortunately it wasn't something rare either. I was going somewhere, speeding past a temple and on the loud speaker I hear "… anaakulaa cha kammanthaa…" of Maha Mangala Sutra, meaning "Do righteous occupation".

Having the driving partially handed over to a thread that run's in background of my head, I took a moment to think of at jobs we see around in the modern day. In many occupations, I could think of many scenarios where people have to push across white lies or minor unethical conducts just to make sure everything runs smoother. Even if one doesn't have to lie, it might be beneficial to not to say some true facts, knowing that mentioning or exposing them would be an disadvantage. Not exposing the truth, that the other person would be interested in, might be a deal breaker as well. Hence one tells half truth.

I think of what I do for a living. A coder, a developer, if I may - a software engineer. I was happy to comprehend to myself that we, software guys face very much less scenarios in our daily work life that we have to do such minor unethical conducts. Isn't that indeed a great thing? When we write some code,we try to produce some quality code with passion, do the justification to the best design and project itself. If you are not skipping any null checks as a habit, I think its less likely a software guy would be doing anything that is a sin.

Software engineering seems to be one "anakulaa cha kammanthaa".

But wait…! (to be continued.)


Anonymous said...

how about coding spyware / virus ?

Kalana said...

a good pointer, thanks. well they are obvious attempts of exploiting common ethics. as long as if something is based on a unethical motive, it would be an unethical action.
The topic is further discussed at Part 2 of the post -

you are most welcome to leave an opinion :)